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EXL Profit Centre


The EXL is ‘cost neutral’ when companies use it to monitor duty of care, this is because each series of tests made save on the cost of employing an outside contractor, with independent tests averaging anything between 175.00 to 600.00+ with the right programme in place they will return their investment while being proactive towards safety, which will save money too.

Now the tests you will perform are described in our training section and incorporated in the Floor Testing Protocol (FTP), with no less than 150 individual slip tests, this quantity far exceeds those of our competitors, but as the EXL is easily transportable you can incorporate more into a program at minimal extra cost, they also take into account directionality at each test location and because we carry out 150 individual slip tests we can demonstrate how slip risk changes through contamination and the need for monitoring cleaning.

As an Independent slip tester you can carry out these tests for several businesses, who perhaps do not want the hassle of doing it themselves, each and every slip test programme you carry out dilutes the initial start-up cost, with basic slip testing starting from £175.00 it only takes 16 tests to put you into profit, many EXL users return the cost of their investment in less than two months.