
Vix Blue Limestone


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 EXL Slip Tester


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For more information, please read through our frequently asked questions. If your query is not covered here, please do not hesitate to contact us.


How often do I have to re-seal?

Floors with a Gloss: Providing the floor is properly maintained and the sealer is protected with EverPolish (interior only), you may never have to reseal again! See our Maintenance guide for instructions on how to properly maintain and care for your floor.

No Gloss or Natural Look Floors: Floors sealed with penetrating type sealers should be periodically or seasonally inspected to ensure the proper level of protection is maintained. Simply clean the area and reapply the sealer on an "as needed" basis.


Why so many different kinds? Why not just one sealer for everything?

Life would be a lot easier if we only had to make one sealer for every type of surface that we run into. However, as long as there are so many different types of surfaces that require sealer, we will continue to develop products that fit each specific need that you, the customer, request. Each sealer produces a different look that ranges from matt to satin, to high gloss. Some enrich the colours of the surface, while others leave a more natural appearance. Pick the sealer that is right for you.


Are sealers difficult to use?

No. Our products are formulated for high performance and ease in application. Each sealer label has specific instructions for applying them correctly. Always follow the label instructions exactly as they are written. If you have specific questions concerning the use of any of our products, as well as, others that you may have used, call us directly.


Can the sealer be stripped?

Yes. To ensure the easiest and most successful removal of the sealer, you will need to know a few things about the sealer that you are removing. See Strip & Reseal guidelines.


Are any of the products considered hazardous?

Yes. Some are in solvents that are flammable and some are corrosive liquids. Most are non-hazardous to humans, plants and animals. All products come with explicit instructions for their safe use. We are committed to developing the industries most high performance, safe and easy to use, water based product line available in today's marketplace. As technology permits, we will continue to introduce safe alternatives for the industry.


What is efflorescence?

Click here for more information


How is Y-SLIP different from other anti slip floor treatments?

Y-SLlP is an installed treatment, applied by our certified contractors, but it is not a topical coating. Over the years, attempts have been made to reduce slip/fall accidents by applying epoxies and other substances containing abrasives, or gluing gritty pads to the floor. There are also products that contain high concentrations of strong acids that remove the glaze from a tile. These out dated measures destroy the natural beauty of floors, are unhygienic and very hard to maintain.


Will Y-SLlP change the look of the floor surface?

Y-SLlP works practically invisibly. Independent tests by a leading US testing laboratory concluded that there is no significant change to the surface appearance or to the texture of the treated floor. Some very high gloss floors may show a small reduction in sheen, which is why we always recommend testing a small area before application.


What types of surfaces can Y-SLlP be applied to?

Y-SLlP can be applied to ceramic and quarry tile, porcelain, granite, slate, concrete and other hard mineral surfaces. It works on marbles although we recommended that Y-SLlP not be applied to diamond polished marble floors.


What about dark, coloured, patterned, or high sheen tiles and surfaces?

Y-SLlP will handle them all. However the quality of tiles varies greatly and all surfaces should be tested prior to treatment.


Will the grout be affected?

Y-SLlP will not affect the integrity or colour of the grout, it will simply clean it.


How do I know if Y-SLlP will work on a specific mineral surface?

We will test a small area ( 1 or 2 tiles ) before undertaking a full treatment.


Can Y-SLlP be applied on a waxed or sealed floor?

Y-SLlP works only when applied directly to mineral surfaces. The wax or sealer must be completely removed prior to applying the treatment. If a wax or sealer is applied after the treatment, it will negate the process.


Has Y-SLlP been tested?

Y-SLlP has been rigorously tested by one of Americas leading independent testing laboratories and the results exceed all national standards for dry floors, even when wet. Y-SLlP has also been certified as a slip resistance by Underwriters Laboratory Inc; one of the nations leading testing and certification laboratories.


Is Y-SLlP safe for the environment?

Y-SLlP is safe and environmentally friendly. Y-SLlP is safe and environmentally friendly.


How do you maintain a Y-SLlP treated floor?

Y-SLlP treated floors should be maintained with the patented Actium cleaner. Maintenance is an essential part of any floor safety program. Y-SLlP has formulated the Actium Maintenance Cleaner, that is designed to ensure maximum slip resistance, which is obviously ideal for a Y-SLlP treated floor. Monitor cleaning quality on hard floors with the EXL Slip Tester.



A note about problems: Our sealers are made from the finest raw materials and technology available today. They are manufactured to exact specifications, under the strictest of guidelines, every time, all the time. They are not made to fail. Poor sealer performance or failure is usually attributed to other circumstances during the application of the sealer, i.e. water in the surface or from external sources, contamination, incompatibility, application error, etc. Here are a few of the more common problems with sealer performance, what causes them and suggestions on how to prevent and correct the problem.

·     Sealer turns white or hazy

·     Sealer is peeling

·     Scuffing, Marring & Black Heel Marks

·     Blotchy Areas

·     Staining or absorbing

Issue - 'Sealer turns white or hazy'


Moisture can cause water based acrylics to "blush" when they get wet. This happens when the sealer is applied to a damp surface or when the sealer gets wet from other sources, i.e., rain, heavy dew, sprinklers, ground water, etc. Good water based, exterior grade acrylic formulations have a fairly liberal tolerance to moisture in the substrate. Initially areas on the floor will look hazy, foggy or cloudy, then clear when dry.

Acid residue will also severely affect the performance of water based acrylic sealers, especially while in a liquid state, causing them to streak, turn white and ultimately peel from the surface. Typically this occurs when the floor has been acid rinsed to remove grout haze or smears and the acid was not properly neutralized before sealer is applied. Upon contact, the water in the sealer reactivates the dried acid residue, which attacks and destroys the sealer. Sealer damaged by acid residue must be stripped and resealed.

Solvent based acrylics, unlike water based acrylics, have a very low tolerance to moisture in the surface to which they are applied. They will turn white when applied to wet surfaces, or when moisture comes up from underneath, but may not clear on their own. When correctly applied to a dry surface and allowed to properly cure, solvent based acrylics are usually unaffected by rain or sprinklers, which makes them useful as a topcoat remedy for blushing water based acrylics.

Remedies & Prevention

Avoid using water based acrylics in low lying areas, areas subject to frequent standing water, ground water, hydro-static pressure or around swimming pools. Take a "wait and see" approach before attempting to strip. The floor will usually show significant improvement after the water has evaporated and the sealer has dried. This could take several days. Also, the sealer is soft while in this state and can easily be damaged. So avoid walking on the floor, if possible, until corrected. Strip the tiles that don't clear and reseal with EverSeal. To stop water based acrylics from blushing, try top coating the sealer with EverSeal 88 cut four parts sealer to one part Xylene solvent. The solvent based sealer will have a "clearing" effect and may show significant improvement. Caution: you must wait until floor & sealer is completely dry before attempting this procedure. This is not a text book method, but has proven successful in many field applications.

Pay particular attention to grout clean up procedures and avoid using acid of any kind. Chemically neutralize all acid residue, before applying sealer, by rinsing floor with a solution of 200 ml EverClean 2000 mixed with 5 litres clean water. Note: Water rinsing may not completely neutralize acid. Water based acrylic sealers that have been damaged by acid must be stripped and resealed.

Impregnators such as EverBlock/EverSeal Extra will not turn white or peel when exposed to moisture, making them ideal for use in areas prone to damp conditions.

Issue - 'Sealer is peeling'


Incompatibility: The wrong sealer for the surface.
Surface Contamination: Foreign material on the floor, i.e., dirt, wax, oils, old sealer, moisture, etc.
Abrasion: Foot traffic.

Remedies & Prevention

Always choose the correct sealer for the surface and exposure you are working with. Always do test areas before approving sealer for use. See our surface/sealer chart for the best recommendations. Maintain high traffic areas in interior floors by periodically applying EVERPOLISH. Use penetrating impregnators on exterior surfaces.


Issue - 'Scuffing, marring and black heel marks'


FOOT TRAFFIC: All sealed flooring is subject to abrasion caused by foot traffic and there is no such thing as a "maintenance free floor". Poorly maintained or unprotected sealer will soon become heavily worn and distressed, resulting in expensive repair.

Remedies & Prevention

Remember, "The sealer is there to protect the floor, the polish is there to protect the sealer". On Interior floors, apply EVERPOLISH and pay attention to the traffic areas. Sweep, vacuum and damp mop on a regular basis. Minimize gloss on exterior surfaces. and reseal only when additional protection is desired.

Issue - 'Blotchy areas'


Moisture in the surface, when the sealer is applied, can result in a blotchy looking floor, especially when using penetrating type sealers. Given enough time, the floor will clear on its own, due to the breath ability of penetrating impregnators.

Uneven application of coating type sealers may also result in a blotchy look. The floor will look like it has "highs and lows" or glossy and enhanced colour in some areas and no gloss, no colour enhancement in other areas. This will usually happen on the second application of solvent based coatings, when applied to highly porous surfaces, and is the result of irregular absorption of the sealer. This will usually dry uniform, without blotches, after several coats.

Remedies & Prevention

Always allow adequate time for the floor to completely dry before applying any type of sealer. Become familiar with the unique characteristics of the sealer that you are using. Always do test areas before approving and always apply sealer exactly like the label instructs.

Issue - 'Staining or absorbing liquids'


Inadequate amount of sealer or wrong sealer applied for sufficient protection for the surface.

Remedies & Prevention

Clean surface and remove any old floor polish, wax or damaged sealer. Choose the correct sealer for the job and apply it exactly like the label says. Apply sufficient coats until adequate protection is achieved.